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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Shabbat is almost here

So I'm wondering.

Do I dare go to my temple and experince the services where I drive my parents insaine with questioning and upset comments I make towards the services as I disrupt their davening?


Do I go back, try to have an open mind and see if I can handle this before I get to have amazing (or so I think) services in the Homeland in less then two weeks?

I dont know, but I do know you all will hear about it.

I just dont know what's going on with reform Judiasm lately.

I feel really badly about having Mark Bloom found out...Like I know it's my fault and all, and once again the internet has gotten me in trouble.

Maybe I should just quit this blogging bussiness...from the Kutz incident to this..

Goodnight world.


BZ said...

I say go and use it as an opportunity to think about all the ways you'd want to do things differently, and what (if anything) you want to retain, then go make it happen.

BZim said...

haha i remember the kutz incident - i'm concerned with going to services also... i don't want to ruin the nice little idea of prayer that i have, by going to something completely different and inevitably unfulfilling - for me. Yet i feel as a jew, and more specifically, as a jew who feels he has an obligation to pray, that i should go - but what's the point in going if it's not prayer for me?

David A.M. Wilensky said...

You know how I feel about "the service," so I won't go into that.

As for services, you should go. The words remain the same. For the most part. And when they don't, you'll have your trusty Haavodah Shebalev with you to keep things straight for yourself. REMEBER: No on will make you say the GOP version or keep you from reading from Haavodah Shebalev. ALSO REMEMBER: Most people don't care when you stand. And the ones with the balls to object can go fuck themselves.